At Kateri's House
-arrive at kateri's
-head outside and hook wagon up to jeff's wheeler with twine
-kateri and jenna on wheeler and bailey and kate in wagon (kate backs out)
-"are you calling my fat?!" (bailey)
-kateri and bailey drive wheeler around, almost lose bailey around the corner
-kate and jenna splacs around in a lake of a mud puddle
-the ass of jenna's cloud pj's are mud splattered
-inside to dry off
-get out the "stash"
-drink sparkling white grape juice
-mix punch
-"bailey's a bat"
-draw pics of each other on the computer
-jenna spills punch on kate's pink hoodie + kateri washes it
-climb out kateri's window and go to jenna's to see jason and kim
-climb back in window
-chill in kateri's bedroom and record conversations
-record the Battery Day Rap Song
-bailey crashes and we snap a pic of her sleeping
-talk, then hit the hay
-jenna and kae lay awake talking about food and The Sims
-"bailey, do you like pickles and fries??" (kate)
-"eat horse shit!!" (bailey)
-fall asleep
-bryce and jaron wake us up
-pose for pic (jenna has Otto hair!!)
-chill, then head home